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昨天重新安装了Ubuntu,但是grub2出现问题,导致错误Error 15,压根进不了grub command line,没有办法,只好修复Grub2,无奈网上的内容多是修复Grub的,很少关于通过liveCD修复grub2的,在搜索google之后,发现了该文,特地翻译出来,给有需要的朋友们使用。
首先,需要Ubuntu LiveCD,并且从LIVECD引导系统。
$ sudo fdisk -l
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/boot
Yesterday i reinstalled my ubuntu, but i don’t know how to destory my mbr record. I’ve 2 hard drives, one is 120G IDE hard drive installed Ubuntu, the other is 250G SATA harddrive installed Window Xp. And usually 120G harddrive is my first boot disk, and grub should be installed there. But last night i installed Grub2, I don’t know how to rewrite my 250g disk’s mbr.
Okay,right now let me fix it. You need administrative privileges to make it work!
First,you need a tool named “MBR Fix”, click here to download.
Second, extract it to a directory. You can find there’s only one command line tool.
Third, open your dos prompt, cd to the directory where your mbrfix locates.
Arch Linux是一份独立开发的、为i686优化的Linux发行,它面向高级Linux用户。它使用自行开发的包管理器pacman来为最新的应用软件提供更新升级,并进行完整的依赖性维护。Arch可以从光盘镜像或者从FTP服务器安装,它以一份连续演化的、动态的系统形式运作。缺省的安装提供一份坚实的基础,用户可再进行定制安装。此外,Arch Build System(ABS)能支持简便创建新软件包,修改原先软件包的配置,以及通过Arch Linux User Repository来将这些软件包与其他人共享。
Linux kernel, udev 141 and Pacman 3.3.0. Changes compared to 2009.02: more up-to-date software; usage of new AIF installer, which brings better disk editor with support for dm_crypt and LVM setups, support for automated installations using configuration files, a framework to build your own installation procedures, better date/time setting with NTP support, re-factored GRUB installation routines and usability improvements; Aufs instead of Unionfs; enhanced boot device detection on image start; bug fixes (XFS freeze, mirror setting, clock corrections, network settings)
在 LAN via NAT 或是 PPPoE 的环境中上Internet,我们总得在resolv.conf
中指定 DNS server,而这里的 DNS server 是通过 DHCP server 自动获取的,如果不能正确获得则需要手动把 ISP 给出的 DNS server 加入。可有时候一些“聪明”的程序总是会跳出来搞些小动作,把我们自己写入的设定换掉,而且还是轮询的,你再改,没有过几分钟就又被改掉。
之前遇到过的情况有(DNS server 抓不对,且会被改写!):
- Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) 通过 ppp 拨号时,只抓到 ADSL Modem DHCP server IP.
- Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) 那个可恶的network-manager程序会定时抓 ADSL Modem DHCP server IP.
- VMWare 中的 Guest OS 以 NAT 网络 获取IP的时候,只抓到NAT DHCP server IP.
于是有很多人都跳出来问一个问题:“如何避免 resolv.conf 被修改、改写和覆写等等?“
Playing poker is very magnificent undertaking. Usually, I’m not interested in success of failure, but when playing poker, it’s out of control. I’ve no idea why I would like to be that. Originally, this post should be posted last night. But ’cause I was so sleepy that forgot it.
Today it’s very heavy rainy, I wake up at 8 am. That’s too early for me. Generally speaking, even though I keep my eyes closed against the light of morning as long as possible. This is my shit life. ah…i will confess a fun thing of mine. About 3 days ago, I went home with my classmate, when he got off the bus, the drencher was coming. The raindrop looked like bean. God bless me! When i got off, I run into it straight. Unfortunately, even though I was all wringing, but I felt so great. Yeah, pretty good. He’s so clever that found a shelter timely. However, he still got a cold, what a poor man!
These days I’m trying to read an English electronic version of textbook, it’s about how to learn PHP, which is hypertext preprocessor, it’s a kind of script language running on computer, it can process dynamic web pages, and provide some functions such as hit counter, guestbook and so on. The current version is PHP 5. If you are interested in it, please visit here. And it can works very well with MySQL database, it’s a popular set over the Internet. I think though I’m so free, why not learn some new stuff.